הארבו טכנולוגיות בע"מ
Value proposition for the maritime sector:
Preventing disasters by blocking spills BEFORE they spread
Oil spills turn into major disasters because there are no immediate spill-blocking systems nearby. Nothing prevents the spill from spreading and splitting. The damages grow exponentially because oil spill response operations cannot be efficient since the responders with their heavy and bulky equipment arrive after hours or even days. The companies responsible for a spill, endure huge losses. The environment and many people suffer from the devastating consequences. Now, prevention of this common scenario is finally attainable.
Web: www.harbo-technologies.com
Phone: +972-(0)505-280339
Contact: Haim Greenberg
Products and technologies:
The T-Fence system is pre-installed at standby positioned at high-risk sites. Just like sprinkler systems that are pre-installed in almost any commercial building to stop fires before they spread. In many cases, firefighters arrive when it's already too late. T-Fence will prevent oil spills from becoming disasters.
Within minutes of spill detection, two operators can deploy up to 1 km. of the boom in 15 minutes. The revolutionary T-Fence is the smallest and the lightest boom in the world. It weighs less than one-fifth of traditional booms, and it captures a fraction of the storage space. The system includes 25 m long boom cartridges and a deployment unit.
Company profile:
HARBO develops and manufactures the worlds' first immediate spill-blocking system. The system is commercially available.
HARBO Technologies' T-FENCE Spill Blocking System was deployed lately in two real-life dramatic situations: The first – a 200-tonne oil spill at the port of Rotterdam. The second deployment, a demonstration organized by the California Dep. of fish and wildlife, was in the natural oil seep offshore Santa Barbara. The system was deployed within minutes by two people. The unsinkable design with a low drag factor and synchronized movements with the waves is the shape of things to come in the Oil Spill Response scene.
Preventing disasters by blocking spills BEFORE they spread