חקר ימים ואגמים לישראל
University affiliate:
Organization main fields of activities:
Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research (IOLR) is a national research institution (non-profit governmental corporation) established in 1967 with the mission of generating knowledge for sustainable use and protection of Israel's marine, coastal and freshwater resources. IOLR conducts scientific research in the fields of oceanography, limnology, mariculture and marine biotechnology.
Web: www.ocean.org.il
Phone: +972-(0)4-8565200
Contact: Ms. Nurit Manor Gazit
Email: nurit.mg@ocean.org.il
Company profile:
Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research (IOLR) is a national research institution (non-profit governmental corporation) established in 1967 to generate knowledge for the sustainable use and protection of Israel's marine, coastal and freshwater resources.
The IOLR is affiliated with the Earth Sciences Research Administration of theMinistry of National Infrastructures.
The IOLR includes three research centers:
- The National Institute of Oceanography in Haifa.
- The Yigal Allon Kinneret Limnological Laboratory near Tiberias.
- The National Center for Mariculture in Eilat.
IOLR has a staff of approximately 180 scientists, engineers, technicians and support personnel. In addition, graduate students and visiting scientists from Israel and abroad are involved in the activities of IOLR's research centers.
R&D Activities
The IOLR conducts scientific research in the fields of oceanography, limnology, mariculture and marine biotechnology, addressing issues of national, regional and global relevance and importance. In fulfillment of its mandate as a national institution, much of IOLR’s scientific effort is focused on research, monitoring and assessment of the environmental status of Israel’s neighboring sea areas (eastern Mediterranean and the Gulf of Aqaba/Red Sea) and inland water bodies (Lake Kinneret – the Biblical Sea of Galilee – and the Dead Sea) and predicting their response to human and natural perturbations. IOLR's R&D effort in mariculture and marine biotechnology is focused on innovative technologies for the exploitation of marine organisms for food and biochemicals. This diverse program of research, environmental monitoring and technology development bridges many different scientific disciplines including physics, chemistry, geology, biology and ecology, and involves collaboration with academic and research institutions within Israel and world-wide.
IOLR participates in regional and international research programs, provides assistance to developing countries within its fields of competence and represents Israel at the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC) and the Mediterranean Science Commission (CIESM).
For details on the strategic directions, core activities and current research programs of IOLR see:
The IOLR maintains advanced research facilities, some of which are unique in Israel, including: research vessels and survey craft operating on the Mediterranean and Lake Kinneret; equipment for surveying and sampling the deep sea, coastal waters and inland water bodies; remote data stations; analytical laboratories; and indoor and outdoor experimental facilities including pilot-scale plants. The Israel Marine Data Center at the National Institute of Oceanography archives and distributes data and information on Israel's marine environment. The Kinneret Data Center at the Kinneret Limnological Laboratory archives and distributes data and information on Lake Kinneret.
Professional Services
IOLR provides a wide range of professional services to the public and private sectors including hydrographic, oceanographic and water quality surveys, analyses and modeling; environmental monitoring and assessment; professional consulting; and technology transfer and licensing.